Please watch the Showme video below.  Showme is available at the App Store for the Ipad and can be used by teachers.  Students can acquire accounts with parental consent.
9/14/2013 12:53:55 am


First, nice idea to use a video for the opening post. Hearing a voice is a really personable way to present your understanding. Plus, it was a nice spin on quoting your sources. The marking up the text captured in your screencast, combined with your comments was a great way to narrate your thinking on the topic.

Also, your keying in on the difference between reflection and systematic intentionality was a shrewd recognition of nuance. I tend to think of the whole process as being reflective, as in the reflection is what helps identify the problem or question, but methodology becomes more important after that. So, while I believe it is a cyclical reflective process, your focus on the distinction between simple reflection and method helped clarify my thinking on the topic. So, thanks.


9/14/2013 06:27:36 am

Hi Chris,

I love your action research video! I found the website that you showed particularly helpful and how you walked us through the “evidence” of action research. I made a not of all of the terms to look for and make sure I am using in my own research. Very cool!

Something else you mentioned that got me thinking was the difference between teachers who do research and those who simply reflection on their teaching. In my own blog I used the words intentional and reflective interchangeably without giving it much thought. Now that I have heard the different definitions from your blog I am confident they are not the same. How enlightening!

Thanks Chris,

Jamie B.

9/14/2013 06:27:50 am

Without a doubt your posting is pretty slick. For someone with a short attention span (such as myself) your Showme clip conveyed just the right amount of information. The one thing I noticed that I also came across in my own inquiry and posting, but did not elaborate on, was your treatment of the concept of reflection.
I really had to sit and think about this. Reflection is a shallow term and points to a rather shallow process. I can reflect on the pot of coffee I made this morning, but there is nothing quantifiable or action related to prod or assist me into making a better pot tomorrow. Honestly, my opinion of the coffee could change from day to day. As you stated from the first article, reflection seems to hinge too much on opinion and not so much on data. I agree, the simple act of reflection is too subjective and is less valuable in the classroom setting. Action research calls for a deeper look with a corrective action to follow.
Outstanding post!

9/15/2013 03:15:43 pm

MIND. BLOWN!... Seriously, why am I still typing my blogs out?! This was pretty slick. And it demonstrates just the general use of internet as a information acquisition source with very little effort. I've always been a PC-girl (so sue me), but I'm thinking I need to get familiar with Apple simply because of apps like this.

Yes, I know this blog was explaining about "Action Research," but I was more interested in the vehicle used to convey said information. Thanks for this!


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    Chris Carlson

    I'm an Instructional Technology Teacher for three elementary schools in Fairbanks, AK.  I balance out the screen with a strong dose of skiing, wood chopping, and house building.  I throw the softball around in the summer and I really like taco pizza.


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